Camping meals can sometimes feel a little basic! When you think of dining around the fire in the great outdoors, your mind might first go to instant oatmeal, beans, or packs of hot dogs instead of anything particularly gourmet. Don’t get us wrong—we love these camping staples. But you can also eat well under the stars!

The key is making sure your camp kitchen works for you. When it’s organized and compact, and you plan ahead, you can make delicious, nutritious meals even while hanging out under the trees, by the ocean, or on a mountaintop.

From the type of camp furniture you buy to how you pack your spices, every little bit counts in creating the perfect camp kitchen organization setup. At Kuma, we know a thing or two about camp kitchens; here are some of our best tips for making camping meals a breeze.

kuma kitchen setup

Chop Vegetables Ahead of Time

If you want to save on space, time, and dishes while camping, chopping all your vegetables ahead of time is a must-do. When it’s time to cook, you can simply dump your container into your pot or grab a couple of carrot sticks for snacking during the day.

Place your vegetables in same-sized plastic containers for easy stacking and camp kitchen organization.

Pre Package Spices

Spice containers quickly take up lots of precious room while packing for camping. If you know what meals you’re making, make your spice mixes ahead of time and package them in small containers or clear sealable bags.

If you don’t know what spices you’ll be using, bring along some of your tried-and-true spices in a small all-purpose container, like a multi-spice container or a condensed one.

Bake Goodies

Do you have a sweet tooth? Or often hanker for an afternoon snack? Make some baked treats ahead of time for quick snacking while you’re busy enjoying the fresh air.

After making the treat, like cookies, muffins, or scones, place them in a large sealable bag and pop them in the freezer. When packing up the cooler, they will stay fresh longer and help keep the cooler nice and chilly.

Bonus: did you know we have a YouTube channel? We have tons of recipes from our Kuma Kitchen to try for your next meal around the campfire. Enjoy!

Freeze Meat

Like your baked treats, you can freeze any meat you plan on bringing ahead of time. Pack it on the bottom of your cooler in place of ice to have more space while keeping things cool.

When it’s time to cook, dethaw your meat by leaving it out on your camper folding table, like our Bear Necessity’s Table, if it’s still frozen.

Use Multipurpose Kitchen Equipment

When packing your camping gear for an upcoming trip, every bit of space counts. Try to bring kitchen tools that can be all-purpose, like a Dutch oven or a cast iron pan.

This can extend to your camp furniture as well. Our Busy Bear Camp Kitchen is completely collapsible and lightweight to carry wherever you need to go. It folds out into counter space for meal prep, an elevated surface for a propane stove, and covered shelves for your storage.

For extra storage, use collapsible utensils and bowls where possible! Our Silicone Bowls are completely collapsible and hold up to 1 litre!

Mac and cheese

Have Your First Meal Ready

When you’ve packed up the car, road-tripped to your camping spot, and broken a sweat setting up camp, the last thing you want to do is cook. Even in the simplest form of hot dogs!

Make your first meal entirely in advance, leaving it on top of the cooler or at the front of your fridge so you can grab your food and immediately kick your feet up.

Don’t forget to keep your pet’s first meal handy as well, and fill a dog bowl with water.

Quick Camp Kitchen Organization is the Goal!

Camping is all about letting go of the everyday hustle and reconnecting with nature. It’s a time for relaxing and having fun—the last thing you want to do is spend time cooking and cleaning dishes. Leave that for the workday! Having a solid camp kitchen setup lets you spend more time on what matters most.

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Make sure to follow Kuma Outdoor Gear on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to stay up to date on giveaways, our favourite camp-friendly recipes, how-to guides, and new product drops. 

Want to share your adventure? Use the hashtag #KumaKommunity to show us your favourite Kuma gear in an encouraging and inspiring online space!

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