Kuma Kitchen Series - Blackened Chicken Sandwich

Ready to elevate your campfire meals? In our latest Kuma Kitchen Series video, we’re showing you how to make a mouthwatering Blackened Chicken Sandwich right over the campfire. This easy campfire cooking recipe is perfect for your next camping trip or outdoor adventure! With just a few simple ingredients and our expert tips, you’ll have a delicious, smoky sandwich that’s sure to impress. Whether you’re a seasoned camper or a beginner, this recipe is a must-try for anyone who loves outdoor cooking. 


4-8 boneless chicken thighs (1 per sandwich)
4 tbsp butter
4 tbsp cajun blackening seasoning
Cheddar cheese slices (1 per sandwich)
1 large tomato
1 large red onion
1 head of leafy green lettuce
¼ cup mayonnaise
½ lemon (juiced)
2 cloves garlic (microplaned)
1 tsp black pepper
4-8 brioche hamburger buns

Blackened Chicken Sandwich

  1. Melt 3 tbsp of the  butter in a small saucepan, once melted add in 3 tbsp cajun blackening seasoning and mix to incorporate.
  2. Pour this mixture over top of the chicken thighs, tossing to coat evenly
  3. Heat a cast iron pan until just starting to smoke, and then lightly butter the bottom of it.
  4. Add the chicken thighs to the pan, sprinkling with a little more cajun seasoning if there are any bare spots.
  5. Cook for about 4 minutes until crispy and dark before flipping. Cook for another 4 minutes or until cooked through on this side.
  6. While the chicken is cooking, make the lemon, garlic aioli by combining the mayonnaise, grated garlic, lemon juice, and black pepper.
  7. As soon as the chicken is removed from the pan, thinly slice the red onion, tomato, and tear the lettuce.
  8. Top the brioche bun (optionally toasted) with the aioli, then lettuce, red onion, tomato (salted), chicken, cheese, and then the top bun with a little more aioli.

Blackened Chicken Sandwich

  1. Depending on the spiciness of the cajun seasoning you are using, you can increase it by adding in some cayenne powder.
  2. Try swapping the lemon,  garlic aioli for sriracha mayo.
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