How Kuma Outdoor Gear Supports Re-wilding and Wildlife Conservation with Northern Lights Wildlife Society

At Kuma Outdoor Gear, we’re passionate about more than just creating top-quality outdoor products; we’re committed to making a positive impact on the natural world we all enjoy and spend time in. That’s why we’re proud to support the Northern Lights Wildlife Society (NLWS), a registered Canadian charity dedicated to re-wilding and wildlife conservation. Founded by Angelika and Peter Langen, NLWS provides a safe haven for injured and orphaned wildlife, giving them the care and rehabilitation they need to return to their natural habitats.

Northern Lights Wildlife Society

Photo: Nick Quenville - True Coast Films

Our connection to wildlife runs deep. The name "Kuma" means bear in Japanese, a fitting tribute to one of nature’s most powerful and iconic creatures. Bears are not just our namesake - they’re also a common sight in Jasper Alberta, the birthplace of Kuma Outdoor Gear, and proudly represented in our brand’s logo. This deep-rooted connection makes it especially important for us to help bears and other wildlife thrive.

Our partnership with NLWS is built on a shared commitment to protecting wildlife. One way we’ve contributed is by donating stainless steel dog bowls, specially requested for their strength, durability, and sturdiness - perfect for the bears and other animals under NLWS’s care. These bowls may seem like a small gesture, but they play a big role in ensuring the animals at NLWS enjoy their meals safely and comfortably.

"They get full belly’s, they realize that they’re in a safe place, and then all those funny little personalities come out. They want to play and have fun." - NLWS Staff Member

Northern Lights Wildlife Society

Photo: Provided by NLWS Staff

In our latest video, we dive deeper into this collaboration, showcasing how our donations are helping NLWS continue their vital work. We also explore the broader mission of NLWS and how they are leading the way in re-wilding efforts across Canada.

We invite you to watch the video to learn more about this incredible organization and the amazing work they’re doing to protect and rehabilitate wildlife. And if you’re inspired by what you see, consider visiting the NLWS website to discover how you can contribute to their cause. Your support, whether through donations or spreading the word, can make a real difference in the lives of these animals and help ensure a sustainable future for our wild neighbours.

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